Uncharted: Golden Abyss for Playstation Vita – Micro Game Review

Uncharted: Golden Abyss Screen Shot

Uncharted: Golden Abyss Screen Shot

I got this in a bundle with my Vita at the Taiwanese launch.  It was the first Uncharted game I had played and I actually really enjoyed it, somewhat to my surprise.  The shooting action works great on the Vita’s dual-analog sticks, the story has interesting characters and entertaining dialog, and the production values and voice acting are all top notch.  I also like that it’s not just shooting – there’s plenty of exploring to do as well, and a bit of puzzle solving but nothing too distracting.  The same can’t be said for some of the touchscreen gimmickry and other nonsense that appears to have been shoehorned into the game, for no other purpose than to say “Hey, we can do this!”  But I guess, as the flagship launch title, Sony wants to show off all the features of their hardware.  All said however, this one’s a winner.  Big thumbs up!

Uncharted – Box Shot

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